Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's Time

I've been home for three and a half weeks now. I kept telling myself I need to start a blog. However, I was busy spending time with family and friends. Then, I sat down today and tried to start one and apparently I had this one from before already. I haven't been able to find and read the previous posts, maybe if I play with it I can find them and delete them.
I feel like that has been one of the themes of my life since I've been home.


Technology has caused my biggest challenges and has given me the most cases of culture shock since I've been back in the states.

When I left I did have a cell phone, but we didn't have texting. Sure, other people texted but I didn't send my first text until I was in Thailand. Even there I might send a few text messages a week.
When I got home EVERYONE in texting ALL THE TIME. I've had nights sitting in my living room with my family and EVERYONE is on a different electronic device texting or messaging.
To my heart that just got back from Thailand that says: We would rather spend time messaging others who aren't here than talk to people who are in the same room with us.

When I left there may have been the first or second Ipad, and kindles were just coming out. Other tablets weren't heard of in my life.
When I got home they are everywhere. Some people have a computer, tablet and ereader. It's crazy. I met with a friend who pulled an ipad out of her purse to show me videos. I babysat and the kids EACH had an ipad. I opened my bedroom door the first night I got home and I had a tablet(I admit I was going to buy one for myself as a reward for finishing the Peace Corps and then my parents got it for me for Christmas instead).
That tablet has been one of my biggest frustrations. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT. Things that should be simple like downloading or transferring books are hard for me and take hours (literally). Sure, it's nice to be able to check facebook or e-mail on it quickly and to read books once they are on it, but getting them there is difficult for me.

When I left I don't know that I had ever used a touch screen really. There were a few out there that I encountered from time to time, self check out, etc... However, none that caused me much difficulty.
Now that I'm home, touch screens baffle me. I can't tell you the number of times I pressed the wrong thing on the tablet, sometimes going to the wrong screen, sometimes having to try to press a button multiple times before it finally goes, sometimes adding people I didn't mean to add (and sometimes don't know or don't know well).  Then, there are the things that need to be slid to unlock, held to answer the phone, typing things on a tablet,etc...You are probably laughing by this point, but it is super difficult for me.
I keep having to remind myself that touch screens are the new technology and I have to get used to them. It may sound funny, but I put a sudoku game on my tablet(yes, it took over an hour to get it on there). I have been practicing using touch screens with it. You have to choose the space and the number that goes there, so it is all about accuracy of where you touch. So, my tablet touch screen ability is improving. However, the phone my dad just gave me to use I'm still hopeless at. So, when you get my number and try to call me, if I struggle answering the phone and miss your call I'll call you right back. Unfortunately it's already happened several times in the few days I've had the phone and will probably continue to be a problem for me until I get used to it.

There are several more things I could include about technology, the changes I notice, and the ways it has given me culture shock. However, for now I think I'll stop and try to see if I can figure out how to post this blog. I'm bracing myself for another struggle. I'm hoping it will go smoothly. but we'll have to wait and see how it goes. If you are able to read this, it means I have figured out how to post it so you should congratulate me :)
I will try to work on my blogging abilities and post more often now. I have lots of things I've been thinking about and want to share. But it all depends on how easy(or difficult) I find blogging to be.

Have an amazing day

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lindsey! You made me laugh!! Some of your older posts are gone (or at least the one I remember)...there are 2 still here from 2010.

    It is funny to think how quickly technology has changed and how we just think of things as commonplace are relatively new.

    I think Jut still hangs up on people unintentionally with his 'new' phone. That's why I stick to my very dumb one! :)
