Friday, May 31, 2013

My Co-Pilot

Yesterday I wrote about going to school visits. Now, I want to write about something amazing that happened on the way there and back. Wednesday night I was exhausted. I left the house about 6 and stopped to get gas. As I was getting gas I was tired, I just wanted to sit in the backseat and take a nap. Instead, I was looking at a two hour drive that I was unfamiliar with. I strongly considered calling my uncle and telling him I would drive down in the morning and just go straight to the school. However, I then thought about it and realized that that would require getting up early, driving 2 hours, giving a few presentations, then another 2 hour drive home. Definitely not a good option...

So, I got in the car and headed West. I did the only thing I could think of to do.
I prayed.
          Out loud.
                     In the car.
                                  By myself.
                                              To my Heavenly Father.
For the next two hours I talked to Him just like he was in the seat next to me. The only time I paused was driving through the crazy part around Holland. I was no longer tired. I was alert and paying attention to the road and what was going on around me. I went through 2 towns that didn't have power and prayed for them. I had a conversation with my Father, sometimes I did the talking and sometimes I did the listening. It was refreshing. I felt renewed.

Let me ask you a question, when was the last time you took a chunk of time and talked to your Father out loud, listening and learning, wrapped in His renewing embrace? I don't do it often enough, I know.

However, yesterday as I got ready to drive home after spending the whole day at the school and talking to two classes for a total of more than 3 hours, I was exhausted. I was tired. I didn't feel like making the 2 hour drive home. So, you know what I did??? I picked up where we left off the night before. When traffic got thick and tricky I just asked Him to help me, when we got through it I thanked Him and jumped back into our conversation.

Let me tell you something, with God as the co-pilot of your life you can't go wrong. As we invite Him into each part of our lives He provides for us, He helps us, He gives us the strength and energy we need. He is our All in All and I can't imagine where I would be without Him.

Thank You Jesus for guiding and directing my life :)

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