Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I've Arrived!!!!!!!!!!!

The minion at the airport ready to begin our adventure
A week and a half ago I posted that my visa had arrived after over a month of frustrating events. Now, just a week and a half later I've arrived in the land of smiles again!!!! The last week in America was pretty busy, visiting Corey at SVSU, Casey at Great Lakes for her(and then my) birthday, packing, making last visits, saying see you laters, and trying to fill my suitcases. For some reason after I packed everything I had half a suitcase empty, so Sunday I went out and bought a few more things for teaching, and also snacks and things for my enjoyment in my new village.
Monday morning I woke up and put a few last minute things in my bags and we headed out a little after 8. We drove to the airport where I checked in and after talking to my parents for a little bit and last minute hugs I headed for security. As I passed through the final point I turned and waved at my parents and then I was started on my adventure. I found my gate and waited for the first flight to Chicago. The flight was super quick and I spent the first part just enjoying watching the beautiful fall colors from above. Flying in the fall is amazing. I wish I would have been able to take a picture, but unfortunately they don't allow electronic devices to be turned on during ascent :(
the minion with my first completed paper pieced flower
Upon arriving at Chicago I went through security again and found my next gate. I worked on my paper piecing a little bit and a lady asked me about it and I did my best to explain it to her but I'm not really sure how it works myself yet... It's a learning process for this trip. The flight from Chicago to Hong Kong was almost 16 hours I believe. It seemed like it was taking forever. I sat next to a man who was from Hong Kong but was now an American citizen. He was kind of awkward as he wouldn't really look at me or talk to me the entire time. However, in the middle of the flight when they were having everyone sleep he got up and got an apple and told me to go get one. So, I came back with a bag of peanuts. He then went back and got a bag of peanuts, cookies and
crackers. When those were gone he went back for seconds. It made me smile. I watched several movies, finished stitching together my first paper pieced flower, and took a little nap. I included some cool pictures I took out the window when we were flying above frozen ground, and some other cool pics.

our flight path halfway through

sunset + the wing + cracked ice below= BEAUTIFUL
 When I arrived in Hong Kong I went to the airline desk to see if they could re-route my bags for me. When I checked in in Detroit they told me I would have to get my bags at Hong Kong, go through immigration and customs, then check them back in with the airline. Luckily, I talked to a nice girl and she told me to sit on a bench for 45 minutes and she got my bags re-routed without me having to get my bags and take them through all those points. It worked out perfectly. I then had 18ish hours left of my layover. I made sure to take a walk and drink water, ate something, and then I was fortunate enough to find one of the few lounge chairs at the airport free and sat down and made myself rest/sleep for 7 hours to help get my body onto the new schedule. When I got up I bought a muffin, then did laps around the airport, taking breaks to check facebook/e-mail, read a book, work on my puzzle book, work on paper piecing, etc... Finally they showed which gate I was to leave from about an hour and a half before my flight. I went and waited there and read my book. It wasn't your typical gate, our tickets were scanned, then we were put on a bus and driven about 10 minutes away to where our plane was. I'd never had them do that before. We then had to climb stairs to get onto the plane.

the first dancers
A few hours later I finally arrived in Chiang Mai. Of course everything can't go smoothly, so I had trouble getting through immigration. They asked me the address of where I'm staying, which I didn't have. So, I listened as they talked about me in Thai, that I was a teacher with a special visa but didn't know my address. Finally they had me write the name of the organization I'm with and my e-mail address and I was allowed through. After getting my bags and going through customs I was met by a group of about 10 people from my program. They had a sign and flowers waiting for me in typical Thai fashion. They all introduced themselves in which I immediately forgot all their names. Sorry guys. The guys were gentlemen and loaded my stuff in the van and then we came to where we are staying and they brought my things upstairs. We had about 5 minutes before we had to be back in the van to head out to dinner. We went to a place where you sit and eat dinner, then they have a Northern Thai dance show afterwards. It was really cool and such a good welcome back to Thailand. While we were eating they all asked me a lot of questions about myself, and I was able to ask a few of them. Guess it will take some time to get to know them all. But, I can already tell I'm with an amazing group and I can't wait to get to know them!!!!!

sword dance
After dinner we came back to our rooms and I was very very ready for my head to meet my pillow. After a quick shower and facebook status update I did just that.

deer like creature dance

the deer with our director Sharon






  1. How does the minion like Thailand so far? :)

  2. He hasn't done much sightseeing yet, but he will have plenty of opportunities I'm sure. He's loving the AC room we are staying in now though :) Tomorrow he gets to go to the Grand Palace, that should be fun!!!
