Thursday, October 10, 2013

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's what I wrote for my facebook status last night. It's amazing how everyone was able to like my comment and knew what was going on and didn't have to ask. The last month and a half I've been on an emotional rollercoaster as many of you know. There were times I thought I was going to get on here and say I wouldn't be going to Thailand, or about how God was teaching me patience and waiting, at other times I just wanted to post a rant about one thing or another that wasn't going my way. However, after over a month and a half, hours of prayers, a few tears, a new ticket, lots of times where I thought I had decided one way or another about going, IT'S HERE!!!!!!!!!! My 90 day visa is here!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a call from the Alma post office yesterday saying I could come and get it. After getting it I did the natural thing, opened it before I even left the post office, then went and sat in my car at a nearby park by the river and just sat and looked at the visa sticker while eating pretzels for about an hour. I can't imagine my prayers and thoughts made much sense at that time as I thought about all of the struggles all of the moments of frustration, all of the DAYS and HOURS of waiting for one thing or another. All of the conversations I've had and encouragement I've received through this time.
In one phone call and sticker in a passport God answered over a months worth of questions. As I sat at the park eating my pretzels, I tried to put my passport in the passenger seat... just to find myself picking it up again to look at it. I would pick up my phone to text or call someone, just to put it down again so I could savor the moment with my Father.
Sitting here typing today I'm still in awe and had to pause to think of that time spent in my car with my Father and a visa sticker in a passport. It's amazing the things God uses to speak to us. After a month of questioning and waiting, waiting and questioning, wondering and pondering, with what if after what if going through my head he spoke through a sticker on a page. One thing I had to keep reminding myself of was that the children at my new school shouldn't have to suffer because of the grown-ups decisions and actions. I think God agrees.
When I finally was able to put the passport in the passenger seat I headed to Wal-Mart. I had seen some polo shirts there over the weekend but hadn't felt like getting them because I wasn't sure if I was going. So, after an hour of looking(sometimes at clothes and sometimes at the passport in my purse) I came home with 3 polos and 2 pairs of shoes(the shoes were $3.50 each and PERFECT for teaching!!!! I think that was God's present to me :) )
The next week and a half will be filled with getting ready and saying see you laters. It is going to be a busy whirlwind, but I'm going to do my best to enjoy it. As I was opening my bible this morning I decided to read James instead of continuing in the life of Jesus as I had been doing. I found this little gem and read it over and over and now I'll leave you with it as I close.

Consider it pure JOY, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing if your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:2-4

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