Sunday, January 12, 2014

Foot Washing

 This morning at church they performed a foot washing ceremony. It was very interesting as they had all of the elders and prominent people of the church go up to be the washers. Here the head and foot concept is very important. You have to be very careful where you put your feet and where you point them when around other people. So, I was very surprised when they said that they were going to have a foot washing ceremony. Once they were set up a lady came and took people to the front to have their feet washed row by row. My row was one of the first ones, so I wasn’t sure if they were just picking people or if everyone was going. I very much wanted to say that I would just stay at my seat, but knew it would be rude to do so. So, the lady took my arm and led me to a seat to have my feet washed. The lady very carefully washed each of my feet, and then took a shawl from her shoulders to dry them off with. I waied her and thanked her before returning to my seat humbled at what she had done.

They went through the entire church bringing people to the front to have their feet washed and some of the ministers had their feet washed multiple times as the elders each wanted the opportunity to wash the ministers feet. There were some students who didn’t want to go and have their feet washed, and the person who had been talking throughout the ceremony told them if they didn’t get their feet washed they had no part in God and the church. So, several reluctantly went and several still refused. Throughout the ceremony they had the teen choir and the church choir singing songs and a guy talking about/explaining what was going on.

I have gone through the foot washing ceremony many times, but never in a culture where the concept of your feet being dirty was felt so strongly. I remember doing it as a teen and we would joke and tickle each other’s feet on purpose. We had no idea the context in which it would have been humbling for Jesus to do it for the disciples, and the seriousness that should have been used during the ceremony. They then went on to have a sermon in which he preached about the last week of Jesus’ life going through all of the events and where they were found in the bible. Let’s just say that it wasn’t a short service and we got out well after 1 pm. However, the honor of being a part of something so beautiful was worth the delay. That is something that I love here, there isn’t a rush that we have to get out before noon or people will be upset, so you can do things like this and it isn’t a big deal to get out an hour or so late.

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