Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Police Come to our school

arrival and introductions

the choir singing
If you remember back, the day before the students had their singing competition, we went caroling to several places. One of those was the police office for all of Kanchanaburi province. The police had told the students if they got first they would give them 10,000 Baht, and 5,000 Baht for second or third place. So, when we won the choir director called to let the chief know. At first they asked that we go down on Wednesday and have the students sing for their New Years celebration. However, the director explained that it would be difficult to bring 38 students down the 4+hour bust trip to sing a few songs and then where would they stay, and most if not all of the 10,000 Baht would be used on transportation. So, the police said that they were going on a trip that was about an hour from our school, and that they had never been to this area and would like to come to the school to present the money. So, this morning the students gathered and practiced, then swept and swept/cleaned the school. (I only know this because I passed them while they were cleaning on my way to church). I left church early so that I would be back at the school before the police arrived. When they arrived, we all lined up next to the office to greet them, then they were taken in to sit down and the students got on the stage to sing. They had prepared four or five songs for the performance. I helped carry in a bag of things the police had brought to give the students, then the police called me over to sit with them in the row of chairs. The director gave a little speech of how the police had promised us the money if we won, and that we had won, and that we would be going to the national competition next month. The students then sang their songs, and the police chief got up and talked to the students giving them encouragement and promising another 10,000 Baht if we won nationals. They then called teachers and police up on the stage for the money to be presented and pictures to be taken. Our school then gave the police a certificate and a present. Then the police were lead out to eat lunch that some teachers had prepared. I was called over to sit with the police chief, a few other higher ups in the police and the choir director. I should be used to it by now as they always want the foreigner to sit and eat lunch with the important people, but it still makes me nervous every time and I feel like I’m on display. However, I have learned my role is to talk to the people and entertain them and put on a good face for the school or whatever I’m representing. Hopefully I represented the school and students well as the police chief was very interested in talking to me as his two sons are studying in America.
watching them perform

After all of the police had eaten and had something to drink we lined back up and said goodbye to them. They were here for less than an hour, but hopefully they will remember our little school in the mountains on the edge of Myanmar that has a choir that is going to compete in the national competition for much longer than that. I also hope that the students will realize and remember the special opportunity they had to sing for the police chief and the effort that was made to bring him here (as they brought 4 cars and at least 10-15 people) to support them and encourage them. What a special day for the students, the school, and hopefully the police who came to hear our students sing.
the police chief talking to the students

he gave each of us a cup for a New Year present

saying goodbye

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