Sunday, January 5, 2014

My new Year Surprise

waiting for the first batch the picture taking began
On Friday I had invited two boys over for apple pies after the choir sang for the police today. I had promised the one that if the choir won I would make them something American, and so I was making good on that promise. However, when it came down to it as I was trying to remind just the two of them to come a whole group of them ended up coming, so instead of two I had ten to fifteen students at my house. The more the merrier right???

the first finished sandwich
I had made apple filling last night, and so  when they got here I set to making them and several students were determined to help, so I gave them each a job and I just oversaw. The problem was that I only had one loaf of bread. So, we made that into apple pie sandwiches, brought them out and sat in a circle on the floor. They had me pray, and then they dug in. I’m pretty sure I got one half while they each had one or two. Realizing that some only got one I sent a boy on my bike to go and buy two more loaves of bread. He came back, and I went to the kitchen to start making them again, when one student called me out into the living room. They then left a few students out with me and the rest shut themselves in my kitchen to make me a “surprise.” I was a little nervous having a bunch of students in my kitchen with no supervision, not knowing what they would get into, what they would eat, what they were doing, etc… however, sometimes you just have to trust that everything will be ok and not worry about things. So, I tried not to think about what was going on and just chatted with the ones who were left to keep me company and not tell me what was going on in the kitchen. They were laughing and having a good time.
someone wasn't paying attention while I prayed and took
this picture, which I'm thankful for, such a precious moment.

sitting in a circle eating, the whole plate was gone in
less than 2 minutes
At one point they looked under my tree and asked why I hadn’t opened my presents. I explained that I had wrapped them myself so there was no excitement in opening them because I knew what they all were. So, they asked if they could open them for me. I figured they had to be opened sometime so let them open them. They were so funny, the boys who opened shirts displayed them like it was their present, and I had to remind them that they were mine. There had been a few presents left over from when I gave them to the choir on Christmas, so the students that opened those I let keep the candy and cake that was in them, and they shared with their friends. While we had been waiting for the bread to arrive, girls had gotten into my nail polish and were having quite the nail party. One of the boys asked what I would say if my nail polish was all used up. I jokingly said I would cry. He then went and told the girls as he was worried and didn’t want me to be upset. I then explained that it wasn’t a big deal and they could use it. Because, once that is used up then I can get new colors!!!!! They were much happier with that response than the crying one.

enjoying their pies
the nail party while waiting for the bread to arrive
When they were almost finished working on the surprise in the kitchen they had the ones who were watching me turn off the lights except for the Christmas tree. They then took my glasses off me and covered my eyes with their hands. I heard lots of laughing and discussion as they decided if they were celebrating my birthday or New Years. It was so cute. They then uncovered my eyes, put my little hat headband on me, and yelled HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! They gave me a plate with a whole sandwich and four halves and said it was all for me. However, I reminded them we had to save 4 pieces for boys who had left and were going to come back, and the only ones left were five on my plate at that time. So, I went to eat one of them and save the other four for the boys when a girl snatched one from my plate. So, out of 3 loaves of bread I got two half sandwiches. Which is fine because I know how to make more. They were so cute trying to surprise me I couldn’t possibly be mad as I have the means and ability to make more and this was a special treat for them. Hopefully we can have many more days like this one as I loved having my house full of students because it is usually just me and the lizards and that gets kind of lonely.
my present to myself he opened

the shirt that was in the one he opened
it says God loves me, and on the back says
God loves you

this was a market find, it says "Wonder fully
made" then under it "know your value"

more nail party pics

these next ones are from when I was locked
out of my own kitchen

I'm not sure what all they were doing in there

waiting in the living room with the lights off

after they yelled HAPPY NEW YEAR for me

eating the second batch, it didn't last much longer than the first

some group pics


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