Friday, February 7, 2014

A Few Snapshots From the Week

Wednesday morning representatives from the hospital came to present the schools choir with 25,000 Baht to help with the expenses of going to Bangkok for the national competition.

he went around the entire thing using this chisel by hand.
Are you impressed dad?
The chaplain who also does all of the sports things and artistic things for the school has been working on making this tiger all week for the scout camp next weekend. He first drew the grid on the board and used the grid to draw the tiger head. Then, they used a chisel and hammer to cut it out. It took a long time, so I took pictures to show my dad and he can be grateful for his power tools at home. Then, today the students helped paint the second coat to complete the project.

the students watching and supporting him work.

adding the second and final coat of paint

my Dtokey lizard
I was also able to get some good pictures of a Dtokey lizard at my house. Tonight after I took the pic of this one I still saw another four in my house, making that I probably have five that live here instead of the two or three I knew of before tonight. Such is life living in Thailand. I have learned to enjoy the lizards and call them my pets when students ask if I get lonely at night.

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