Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day at Scout Camp

ready to be a scout for the weekend
The past few days I’ve been slowly getting together all of the pieces for a scout uniform. One teacher gave me her uniform that she can’t wear after having a baby, others let me borrow a hat, the pin, the bandana for around the neck, the piece that holds the bandana, the belt, shoes, and I had to find my own socks at the market yesterday which turned out to be quite the task.

the opening ceremony
I got up this morning and put on my now complete uniform and headed to the school. The school had asked a group to come and lead the camp, so the teachers’ job was basically to watch the students while the other people led the camp. At first they had assigned me to a group of boys, but then switched me to a group of girls, then a different group of girls. A teacher let me borrow a tent, but then when I went to set it up there weren’t any poles, just the tent, so I ended up tentless and ended up staying at the camp until bedtime then coming home and staying in my own bed J
with some teachers in front of the tiger the students all had
to go through

I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves as you know I have more than is really necessary but want to share them with you.

students preparing to go through the Tiger head

going through

with my good friend and teacher who watches out for me
Kru Wan Pen

preparing the campsites at the school

they took a break to pose with me :)

boys cutting bamboo for something at their campsite. I was
very impressed by how much the 4th-6th graders could do

making a rack to dry dishes on, each group was required to have one

this group of boys used the soccer goal to make a shelter to sleep in

the teacher who gave me her uniform

the first meal was prepared by teachers, then they were on their own

I got to help dish out the rice using a bowl to scoop with

the only Valentine I got today, other than some stickers

my groups rack to dry dishes

a boy got hurt and had a cut under his eye and they wanted
cotton buds to clean it, so I went to my house and got some I
had brought from America. When I came back the boy was
gone, but when the teachers found out the cotton buds were
from America they immediately all took one and stuck it in
their ears...

they had to practice tying knots on their poles

then they had to work together to make
something copying the leaders and using the
different knots they had learned.

working together

the teachers split up the food for the weekend for each group

it was then my turn to go through the tiger, apparently you can't be a scout without doing it

coming out the other side

the girls working on copying the leaders creation
boys practicing their map making and following skills

after the rice was cooked they had to drain off
some excess water

the evening games and activities

the choirs impromptu performance without the director

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