Friday, February 21, 2014

Cleaning the Fish Pond

This was definitely one of my most frustrating moments as a teacher. Imagine my surprise when we are a few weeks from taking exams and I show up to teach my sixth grade class to find around six or seven students in the class. I asked where everyone was, and they said the director of the school had them out cleaning the fish pond. So, I went out to have a  look. Notice the boys on the right in their boxers, or school shorts rolled up wading in muck, while the girls in their white Karen dresses have scoop buckets emptying the other side one bucketful at a time.
I have to be honest, its been a long week, with scouts, and then the choir competition, and I had just got an e-mail that my great aunt had died. So, I went home, laid on the mat on the floor and cried for half an hour before returning to school for lunch and to teach my afternoon classes.

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