Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hot Water Shower

putting in the breaker
Yesterday the manager of the school came up to me and asked me if I had internet at my house. I told him it was off and on and that some days I did and some days I didn’t, but most of the time I didn’t. He then asked me if I had a hot water shower yet. I told him that I didn’t have a hot water shower, and that since Christmas time I haven’t had a shower at all and have been using the hose. So, today after I got done teaching he came up to me with the hot water shower in a box and had me let him into my house with a man who was going to come tomorrow to install it. The guy took some measurements on how much wire he would need to buy, and they left, and I headed to the staff meeting scheduled for this afternoon. Partway through the meeting the manager came to me and asked me for my house keys. So, I gave them to him figuring the guy needed to look at something else. So, after the meeting I asked him where my keys were. He told me that they were at my house with the guys installing my new shower. So, we walked back here and there were two little elves in my bathroom, working on installing my new shower. What a wonderful surprise it was to get a hot water shower installed. Especially after not having a shower at all for over a month and a half and using a hose during that time.

in the process of installing the shower
While I was at home in the states I remember thinking that one thing I wasn’t looking forward to was cold/bucket showers. I was happy when I got here and had a shower at first until it broke. On the cold cold days these last few months I remember thinking if only this was a hot water shower I could see myself staying here forever. I think someone upstairs may have told that to the manager and they’re trying to bribe me into staying past my two year commitment. We’ll have to wait and see if the bribe works or not J

Another happy surprise today was that the package from my friend that had the lice shampoo in it arrived today, so my first shower with hot water I found myself using the smelly lice treatment, then combing bugs out of my hair for the next hour. I will admit I was very appreciative for the warm water when I had to wash that shampoo out very thoroughly. I’ve been fighting the lice for over a week on my own with just a regular comb at first, then last Thursday the addition of a lice comb, so hoping that the addition of the shampoo on top of that will help me be able to get rid of it on my own without having to tell someone that I have lice to have them help me get rid of it.

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