Monday, August 19, 2013

Arrival at Lighthouse

After a busy day I finally made it to the lighthouse this evening around 7, just in time for the 
The minion welcoming Casey to her new room
orientation meeting to start. Let’s recap my day.

1.       I got up and did the chores at the house I was house sitting. That included letting 3 dogs out to pee, feeding them, then out again to poop. One wouldn’t go, so he got let out another 2-3 times until he finally went. I also fed one horse grain, waited for him to eat, then gave all 3 of them hay. I fed the cat, showered, and let the dog out a final time (in which he finally pooped).

2.       I went home and ten minutes after I arrived we left to take Casey to Great Lakes to move in.

3.       I got gas in St. Louis on the way

4.       We got her all registered and moved in and mom and I left by 11:30 to come home.
Casey with some of her stuff in her new room

5.       We picked up Wendy’s and ate at home

6.       I called my aunt and figured out what groceries I was supposed to buy

7.       I packed to spend 2 weeks at the lighthouse in 20 minutes(hope I remembered everything J )

8.       I called 2 different doctors offices

9.       I checked facebook and e-mail in which I had to print a thing to sign up for health insurance(it took about 20 minutes to get it to print

10.   I left home around 3:15 and headed to the lighthouse.

11.   I stopped in Ludington to buy groceries and get gas.

12.   I drove to the state park and I got the key for the gate to get back to the lighthouse

13.   I then drove through 3 different campgrounds looking for the green gate to get to the lighthouse. I found it after about half an hour

14.   I got to the lighthouse just in time to have orientation. After which we decided who would have what day off, and who has what jobs in a medical emergency.

15.   The other keepers helped me bring my stuff up and I unpacked and moved into the lighthouse!!!!!!!!!!!

16.   We played a card game until after 11:30

17.   I went to my room and read a few chapters of a book before going to bed.
This was an extremely crazy and busy day. I drove over 250 miles, got gas twice, and did so much more than should be packed in a day. However, at the end of the day God worked everything out and I’m at the lighthouse and I get to live here for the next 2 weeks. I truly am excited for this time and I can’t wait to see what is in store. I decided that I will try to document some things each day of what I’m doing and learning so that I can have kind of a modern day lighthouse keepers journal. I’ll try to post these as I have time to go to town and get internet, so they may be posted while I’m here, or you may get to read them all at the end. However, whenever you read them, I hope you enjoy them. I’m so excited to be on this amazing 2 week lighthouse keeper journey. I hope that this allows you to share a small part of my experience with me J
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings.

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