Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Minions day at the lighthouse

Today was my day off, so I drove home this morning for an appointment and back this evening in the pouring rain. He captured his day as a lighthouse keeper in pictures. I hope you enjoy :) The computer put them up in a crazy order. Sorry about that :(
with the lit light

cool reflection in the background as he's inspecting the light

watching the video in the video room

sitting in the video room with aunt Dorothy

she shared a bite of her cookie with him

telling everyone about loggers dollars

telling everyone about the bulbs

the entertainment system of the lighthouse keeping days

the original Fresnel lens

inside the Fresnel lens

he didn't watch my room close enough and let them decorate it while I was gone

more decorations

what was posted on my door

bugs on my bed...

he made it to the top and made a new friend

look at the beautiful beach behind him

he wanted to show you the bells used to help control air flow

his shoes are 92 feet up, maybe 95 cause he stood on the rail

careful on the way down

look up at the minion climbing the steps down

his view from the doorway

giving stickers to visitors

taking a break at the top

inspecting the lens at the end of the day

with the towers shadow

closing the door for the day

he needed a break on the way down and decided to look out the port hole

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