This morning we worked on putting price tags and size
stickers on shirts for the gift shop. I have always wanted to work in a place
where I would get to stock shelves, so I really enjoy working on doing this.
Around 11:40 they sent Brad up to eat lunch so he could relieve Sheila in the
tower, so I took over the video room. I had just started the video for a little
boy and was standing in the doorway when a man came in and asked for a band aid
because his 3 year old had gashed his head. He then changed and asked for a
paper towel. So, I gave him a few sheets and grabbed the first aid kit and went
out to the porch where the mom had brought the little boy. Without going into
too much detail the next hour was spent letting the other keepers know there
was an emergency, getting supplies, talking to the family, having Brad bring
the car around, and driving the family up to their car.
By the time we got back and started the lunch rotation again
I didn’t get to eat until 2. I had never really been in a medical situation
where I had to take charge before, and I surprised myself a little with how I
handled it. It was one of those situations you don’t really know what you’d do
in it until you are there. We haven’t heard from the family, but are assuming
they took the boy to the hospital and he should be fine. Being a head wound it
bled a lot but hopefully he’s ok.
Right after we got back some people I knew in college, John
and Rose came out. It was fun to catch up with them and see their little foster
boy. I was a little frazzled still trying to get in lighthouse mode and out of emergency mode so I’m sure the first
few video’s I showed and talks I gave were a little frazzled. Luckily most of
the people heard what had just happened so were understanding and patient when
they were short staffed while we were gone and while we were getting things
back to normal when we returned.
They ended up closing the tower at 4 because of the wind, so
I didn’t get a chance to go up while there were guests. However, it worked out
well because the Bensons came and I got to give them the talk and a tour of the
keepers quarters. Joan was in awe of everything and it was fun to see it from
someone’s fresh perspective. It has become home to me, so I forget to look at
and enjoy the little things sometimes.
We drove into town and had supper at house of flavors, then
used internet at the park next door. After that, we went to another park where
they had lots of cool sculptures, and saw the badger. Unfortunately my camera
forgot to jump in my purse so I didn’t get to take any pictures of the evening,
but maybe I’ll go back and get some pictures there if I get a chance.
reflection of the lens |
When we got back to the lighthouse, Dorothy and I sat on a
bench and watched the sunset and chatted. When we came in it was around 10, but
not wanting to miss a day of climbing the tower I headed up. It was so cool at
night. I got some cool pictures of the lens reflecting on 3 windows, and
stepped out on the walk outside into the dark night. It was really cool being
out there so late and having such a nice view of the stars. It was perfect.
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