Thursday, August 22, 2013

Tower Toes

pictures from our walk

look how strong I am



holding my baby lighthouse

my lighthouse

painting my toes
This morning I was in the video room all morning, from 10 until a little after 12:30. They have a wonderfully done video, but after watching it about 15-20 times I was starting to get a little restless. So, after I hit play I would go into the gift shop for a few minutes and just listen for the end and go back in and talk to the guests. I really really love the video room, and talking with people, but you can only handle the same five minute video so many times in 2 hours.  I’m sure I’ll be ready to watch it again tomorrow when the time comes.

sunset toes
all our toes
After everyone had lunch I had my half day off. So, I headed into Ludington and went to the library where I checked e-mail, facebook, and posted the first 3 blogs. (I hope you enjoyed them J ) I checked out a craft store my aunt had recommended but didn’t buy anything. I decided I don’t really need any new craft projects when I’m leaving in a few weeks.

I came back to the lighthouse and helped them close up, then we had crock pot lasagna one of the ladies made. It was super delicious. After cleaning up we took a walk on the beach and took pictures of us holding the lighthouse. It was fun. Hopefully one turned out and  I can post it for you to see.

this might be my favorite sunset toes
It was looking to be a beautiful night, and they were talking about going to the top to see the sunset. I told Cindy and Dorothy I was planning on painting my toenails at the top while watching the sunset. Really, how many people can say that they have painted their toes at the top of a lighthouse??? So, they looked at the colors I brought and decided they would paint theirs too. I removed my old color while in my room, and then we climbed to the top. It was so much fun painting my toes while watching the sun go down. I painted mine purple and added a little pink and gray plaid on top. Cindy chose blue and said her toes had never been blue before. Dorothy chose a light purple that turned out super cute. We took pictures of our toes at the 92 feet up sign. They turned out super cute. I added flowers to Dorothy’s and Cindy’s which was tricky because I’ve never done designs on someone else before. They turned out pretty cute though. I took some pictures with my toes against the bars with the sunset in the background. I think they turned out pretty cute. What do you think?
with the light on
By the time we were ready to come down the light had come on in the tower. So, I climbed up the ladder guests aren’t allowed to go up and they took my picture from the outside with me and the lens behind me. Then, they had me pretend to trim the wick like the lighthouse keepers would have had to do back when it was a functioning kerosene light.

fixing the light
Tonight they asked me if being a lighthouse keeper was as fun as I thought it would be. So far, it has been everything and more. I love waking up to the sound of waves on the beach, looking out at the beach in my bed in the lighthouse.  I love being able to climb the tower and watch the sunset. I love being able to learn new things about the lighthouse and share that with the guests. I have been fascinated by lighthouses since I was little. I love their history and the lives they saved. Back when they were in use it would be a beacon of hope to those on the ships to guide their way safely to where they were going. I love that I have my own beacon of hope in Christ as he guides and directs me along my path. Living in a lighthouse is amazing. Living with the light inside of me is so much more wonderful!!!!

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