Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday Sunset

Bobbi came to visit me at the lighthouse :) :) :)
This morning I woke up and didn’t hear the waves of lake Michigan because there weren’t any. There was very little wind and no waves. I was sad not to hear the waves as I woke up and got ready. However, that made for a beautiful day for people to walk out to the lighthouse, and such great pictures from the top. The horizon was nice and crisp and almost everyone who came down said either amazing or beautiful about the view from the top.

and Blue did too :)
Mid-morning I was in the gift shop helping out when 2 ladies came in with a baby about a year old. They wanted to climb the tower but aren’t allowed to carry the little girl. I offered that she could stay at the bottom with me. So, I took her and we got a bucket from the shelf in the children’s room to play with so the ladies could head up to the top without her seeing them go. The baby didn’t appear big enough to walk, so I set her on the floor to sit and play with the bucket. A second later she stood up without using her hands, just her legs. I was super surprised. Another family had a girl about 2 who wasn’t big enough to climb, so the girls hugged each other and played with the bucket. At one point I had to take over the video room for a second so I took the girl with me and she was happy as could be. When the mom and aunt came down I told them how good she was and that she didn’t make a peep. They bought her a bucket to take to play on the beach with. It was so much fun to be able to hold her and play with her. I’m not sure which one of us had more fun.
Brad grilling hot dogs
After I ate lunch I had the video room for a few hours. I had my first major traffic jam in which we had 15 people in the tower, a group of 12 waiting to go up, and as soon as that group went up another group of 10 followed by a group of 8. I was giving as much information as I could to those waiting to go up while trying to keep track of how many had come down. They said next weekend will probably be like that the entire time. Guess it was good practice for then.

sunset behind the replica fog-horn building
Around 3:30 I went up to the tower. I had several people that were talking and asking questions. One boy was telling me that he shoots 3-D pictures. I was interested in how you do that, but didn’t get a chance to ask about it as I had other people asking me questions. At 5 to 5 I had a guy who had been up there about 20 minutes point down the beach and tell me those were his kids and grandkids that were coming to climb the tower. So I told him we closed in 5 minutes. That got him to shouting down to them to hurry because we closed in 5 minutes. They ended up climbing the tower and asked lots of questions so were up there til about 5:25. I swept down the steps and just got to the bottom when I got my third group of visitors, Blue and Bobbi. So, I turned around and took them up the tower. We sat at the top and talked for 10-15 minutes before climbing down. I showed them the keepers quarters, then drove them up to meet Blues parents who had come to rescue them when their car broke down.
with the beach grass in too :)
the tower lit up
When I got back to the lighthouse Dorothy and I went out to watch the sunset on the beach and took pictures and of course talked. When we came in Dorothy had me help her play Candy Crush. She had been stuck on a level for about 2 weeks, and about the 4th time I helped her we won. (Even though I’ve only played a few times helping Casey get unstuck). When she realized we had won she screamed she was that excited. (She also is the one that said I had to include that as the most exciting part of my day). After that, I came to my room and read for a few minutes before going to bed.

It was another amazing day as a lighthouse keeper and I had another set of visitors!!!!!!! I’m so blessed to have this opportunity and to have great friends and family who come and see me.

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