Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Learning to be Single

This summer, and especially being at the lighthouse I've been learning to be single. You are probably wondering what I mean by that. I am a person who LOVES to be with people and do things with people. However, there aren't always people who are available or who want to do things when I want to do them. So, I'm having to learn how to be comfortable and confident doing things on my own. For so long people have told me to just wait and someday I'll get married and I can start doing the things I want to do with my life. However, I don't want to waste time and miss opportunities while waiting for "the one." So, I've found myself making day trips, being a lighthouse keeper, doing things on my own, taking selfies when there's no one else around to take a picture, etc... I've come up with this goal to visit 100 lighthouses. Sure, I went to some as a child, but I wanted to start keeping track of how many I've been to. There was a part of me that listened to those people who would suggest waiting until I was married to start a venture like that and do it together. However, I've decided this week I can start now. Sure, I'm leaving for Thailand in 2 weeks so I'll only put 2 lighthouses on my list before I leave, but I might as well start now.
At other times the couples have wanted to go out to eat and I've either wanted to stay back at the lighthouse, or had to go to town and find internet to work on Visa stuff. I found myself at the library tonight until they closed at 8. Then, I thought about going to the park Brad and Dorothy had taken me to to take pictures of the sunset, the badger, and some of the things there. So, I went there and had a great time with myself just walking around, taking pictures, praying, and just enjoying the evening. It really is what inspired this post as I realized the things God has been teaching me. It definitely isn't my dream to stay single the rest of my life. However, for now I can be content doing things by myself, inviting others along, but if they can't or don't want to, I can still be comfortable being alone. As I was walking through the park I decided to buy the lighthouse passport we have in our gift shop that people use to keep track of how many lighthouses they've been to. I also decided to buy an ornament from the gift shop to start a collection of lighthouse ornaments. It's a small step, but an important one. I don't need to wait for a man to begin some things. Sure, I wait anxiously for the day we'll begin our life together, but it doesn't mean I can't make memories and live each day to the fullest while I'm waiting. Plus, when I'm alone I don't have to worry about offending the other person or worrying if they are having a good time. I can truly enjoy doing the things I like to do.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!! Never wait. You never know what life has in store (as if you don't know that already!) If you wait until 'something' (a boy, kids, etc) happens, you'll spend your entire life waiting. Enjoy it now!! :)
