she made it to the top |
he made it too |
we all made it |
This morning we had a team of about 18 cross country runners
show up. They ran out to the lighthouse, climbed the tower, then were going to
run back. Talk about one smelly video room with all of them in there. We had to
make half of them wait, then by the time they all came down the video room was
full again. It was a crazy few minutes of handling traffic, but we managed. I
imagine things are only going to get busier over the weekend, and then next
weekend with Labor day. Good thing we keep having spurts to practice with so
I’m ready to handle it for an entire day.
Blue Thai shoes 92 feet up |
When I was in the tower in the afternoon we had an adorable
dad and with his 4 year old daughter. From what I gathered he had brought her
camping by himself for a few days. On the way out he had her in the bike
trailer and she ate Doritos. When they were up at the tower he had me take
several pictures of them with her sitting on his knee. Her hair tie was down to
the last inch or two of hair so I pointed it out to him. He told her you still
have your ponytail in from yesterday. You slept with it and we didn’t comb your
hair or anything today. You’re such a ragamuffin. It made me think back to days
when my dad would take care of us. I wonder how many times I wore the previous
days ponytail around. After they went down I saw them playing on the beach for
at least two hours. What wonderful memories that little girl will have of her
camping trip with daddy.
sun shining on the water |
I had my second set of visitors today, my parents. They got
here around quarter to five. I showed them the video and took them up the
tower. We took pictures and enjoyed the view. You could see forever today, the
horizon was so crisp and clear. Definitely picture worthy. When we came back
down I showed them around the keepers quarters, then we got in cars and went to
town to see the farmers market, and then to go to supper. We went to a pizza
place called Spanky’s. They had really good breadsticks and the pizza was good
too. They realized it was my Grandma Monroe’s birthday, so we stopped at
Wal-Mart and got Skip-Bo (her favorite game to play) and Almond M&M’s (her
favorite snack). We came back and played a game of Skip-Bo and ate the
M&M’s in her honor. Then we played half a game of Crazy Pedro to teach Brad
and Dorothy how to play before we drove my parents up to their car so they
could go home. It was fun to see them and to show them my lighthouse. Thanks
for visiting Mom and Dad J
Here are some other fun things I saw/did today
People on the beach were flying kites and in the
tower I was taller than the kites.
A man pointed out a cross someone had put up
farther down the beach
I stocked the drink cooler and snack area at the
end of the day
One girl about 16 or 17 was really interested
and had lots of questions at the top. It was fun to answer her questions
because she was so interested.
The horizon was so crisp and beautiful
the lighthouse's shadow |
We saw a deer on the way to take my parents up
and then again when we drove back
Thanks for visiting mom and dad :) |
One family came to the top and had left grandma
below, so they were calling down to her. It was precious.
A mom came to the top and was really really
scared. It was cute to see the children and dad comforting her and encouraging
her to at least look out a little and then they took their family picture in
the tower instead of out over the edge.
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