Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Christmas Tree

When my neighbor heard of my endeavors to make a Christmas tree out of hand prints, she told me that they had an old tree that they hadn’t used for a few years because their decorations were lost and the lights don’t work anymore. So, tonight she and her son brought the tree over and we set it up. Then of course we had to put the lights on and put it right in the middle of the room near the beam so that everyone who passes can see it. I’m so excited that I’ll have 2 trees this year, one of handprints on the wall, and one that is about 3 feet tall that I can make decorations for. After not really celebrating Christmas fully the last two years I’m so excited and blessed to be in a Christian community that started celebrating the first of December focusing on Jesus’ birth and not necessarily the hype of buying presents and having parties. However, I have a feeling that the parties are coming as I already know of several that I’m going to/helping with and I can’t wait. I’ve also heard that there will be carolers that will come to my house and I can’t wait for the first set to come!!!

For now though, I’m going to try to think of decorations that I can make that reflect the Christmas story and that aren’t part of the earthly celebration, but decorations that remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. Let me know if you have any good homemade ornament ideas that depict a part of the Christmas story so I can make them for my tree.

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