Saturday, December 21, 2013

Disabilities Christmas

Anna's snowflake
Last night and this morning I had the opportunity to help out with the Christmas one of the foreigners was hosting for people with disabilities in the area. There used to be a program called Candlelight that helped out people with disabilities and even had a school for students to attend. However, because Thailand is no longer considered a third world country the funding for the program was cut from foreign budgets. That hasn’t stopped the lady who was working with it from hosting Christmas for the people each year, and some of the former staff still work to help the people even though they aren’t being paid.(At least that’s what I think is going on… sometimes I don’t always understand right).

This guy just made lots of cuts but had a
great time doing it and I praised every one.
The Australian lady who used to help run the program still hosts a Christmas for the people each year. This year her and her Karen husband built a guesthouse, so they invited the ones that could handle it to come last night and spend the night. So, after school I went over to their house around 5 as the people were arriving. My job was basically to be entertainment and help out where I could. So, we started a game of balloon volleyball, basically just hitting balloons over the net. However, the area we were playing in was mostly weeds, so anytime the balloons touched the ground they popped and there were shouts from the guests and they quickly went to get a new one to blow up. They were precious. After they tired of balloon volleyball, we got out badminton rackets and birdies. There were several who were able to play badminton and were actually really good at it. I made one friend Pai-yoot who was really good at badminton. We played for over half an hour, just hitting it back and forth over the net with different people coming and going. It was so much fun to be able to play with them and to just love on them as people. I think it was extra special for them as I was a foreigner taking time to play with them and spend time with them. However, it was also special for me as throughout the night I felt like a celebrity as different people flocked to do the activities I was doing and I enjoyed just loving on them and making them feel special.
This deaf girl taught herself how to crochet
and made this beautiful shawl

After it got dark and most of the people had arrived we moved into the guesthouse and Anna set me to teaching them how to make snowflakes out of paper. I showed a few of them how to make one and then had to urge the first few to give it a try. At first some of them struggled, but there were some who got really good at cutting them out and we came up with some very beautiful snowflakes. We took a break and had Ramen Noodles for supper, there was one girl who had taken to me and she kept pointing out the people who couldn’t talk and said she was afraid of them. I would then have to move myself between her and that person and settle her down and try to get her to eat her noodles. When everything was cleared away we started the snowflake making again. I got the boys I had played badminton with to come over and make them, and the guy I had played balloon volleyball with came to make some too. He had a mental handicap and couldn’t understand the concept of cutting so that some of the paper was removed. He kept just making random slices in the paper and then unfolding it without removing anything. However, I kept telling him he was doing a great job and so he just happily kept cutting piece after piece with the same method. It made me smile. There was one deaf girl who taught herself to crochet and crocheted a beautiful shawl. I tried to use sign language with her, but she didn’t understand the English sign language, and I’m not sure that she had had training in Thai sign language so unfortunately it didn’t work out that I could talk with her L
This girl quickly became my best friend and had me protect
her from anyone who couldn't talk.

When snowflake time was over, they put in a Christmas movie, and then Anna and I sat down and chatted after handing out snacks to everyone. Some of them went to bed, while others stayed up to watch the movie. I came home and stayed in my own bed.

This kid also became my buddy when we played badminton,
then when we made snowflakes. He's just so cute.
This morning I went to teach the Vision Trust tenth graders for the first time, and then afterwards went back over to the Christmas party. They had gotten up and got ready, ate breakfast, and then done some activities. I showed up in time for the pass the parcel game where they played music and the present was passed around, then when it stopped they were to stop and then unwrap one layer of the present. Then it went on until the final layer of the present was unwrapped. They really had fun passing it, however, unfortunately some got two presents while others got none. They then started the service, and instead of having one message translated into 3 languages, they had three different people speak on the same passage in their own language. So, they had the Mon language, Karen, and then Thai. The chaplain/choir director from the school was to speak in Thai, and so he brought the choir with him as they were practicing at the school. The choir sang some Christmas carols, and then We Wish You a Merry Christmas which they will compete next week. They sound better and better each time I hear them.

While most had functional disabilities there were some who
were bedridden and have to be taken care of 24/7
After the messages were over, they had lunch, and I helped to pour water. Two girls had baskets that they filled with cups, and I filled the cups with water then they handed them out to the people. Once the throw away cups were gone, they got out plastic cups that were reused over and over the rest of the meal by everyone. People came and drank the glass of water, then put it back and I refilled it. Definitely not how we would do it back home, but something that is more than exceptional and even expected here as the same cup is used by everyone all the time. Germs don’t seem to be much of a concern at all. After lunch, they handed out presents to each of the people, snacks and then two containers and I’m not sure what else was in each bag. For those who came but weren’t in the program, they each got to come up and get a bar of soap and a piece of candy. They then had a drawing for bigger prizes, blankets, santa hats, backpacks, towels, etc…
but that didn't stop them from coming and having a great time.
When everything was handed out the people were loaded back into trucks and taken home. It was a special day/two days for all of them as many of them rarely get out of their houses, and they don’t see people who have disabilities like them very often. For two days they were part of a group of people like them, and they had people there to help them and love on them, and serve them. What a blessing it was to be a part of these two days of games, laughter, fellowship, and love as we taught them about our saviors birth J   

my group of snowflake makers. We only had two pairs of
scissors so there was a lot of waiting, but they were just
happy to participate.

This kids just scooted around all night as people
watched out for him, he loved trying to make
snowflakes and handing us paper.

playing pass the parcel this morning.

this guy is probably in love with me and needed a picture with me

the school choir came to sing after the choir director gave the message in Thai

the food line. I filled water glasses on the end and teased the guy in the yellow
that he ate one cucumber for every one he put on someone's plate.

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