My Snowman
My fridge has a frost build-up problem, so when I got back
there was a lot of frost to scrape off. Taking care of a fridge is one of those
things that they don’t teach you about, so I’m not sure how to stop the
buildup, or if that’s just part of living here… Anyways I decided that it was
time to scrape off some of the buildup and what better thing to do with the
scrapings than to build a snowman? I used toothpicks for arms and tea leaves
for the face and buttons. After taking the pictures I wasn’t sure what to do
with it, so I took it over to my neighbor’s house and gave it to him, but soon
after I handed over the plate the snowman fell apart and that was the end of
that. However, I think they were very impressed with my snowman building skills
J Are you?
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