Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Handmade Bracelet and Necklace

After school today the teacher I’ve been exercising with and I went for a bike ride. She wanted to take me to one of the homes that some of our students stay at. The home is called Baan Paululu, and I don’t know much about it, but I believe it is run by a lady and there are several programs there. I’m not sure how many students they are taking care of, but I believe there are quite a few, then they also have a program that some of the foreigners that go to the Sunday night bible study work with. The program is a two year program and I believe they take 17 Burmese students each year and train them with some skills, English, teaching, computers, etc… so they can go back and help their villages. Anyways, we went there and the teacher asked for one of the girls in her class as an excuse for us looking around. She then asked the girl to show us around, which ended up in us climbing a mountain to see where they plant vegetables. While we were at the top the teacher told the girl and another girl who was with us to do something. They each picked a stem and leaf section off of a tree and set to work. When they were finished they each gave me a handmade piece of jewelry. One was a bracelet and one was a necklace. They carefully broke the stem, and then peeled it one way, then broke it again and peeled it the other way back and forth until they had two strands and then they ripped the leafs off so it made a type of medallion. They were so beautiful in a natural way. The bracelet fell off while we were doing aerobic dancing at the church a little bit later, but I wore the necklace until I took a shower tonight and hung it on my mirror to treasure a while longer.
putting the bracelets on me

giving a little princess wave :)

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