Saturday, December 14, 2013

Vision Trust Christmas

the group gathering, notice the shoe cluster on the edge of the mat
Last Saturday the man in charge of Vision Trust came to my house to ask if I would start helping with tutoring on Saturday mornings for the tenth grade students. As part of that, he invited me to go to their Christmas party this morning.

the guy in charge giving directions
Vision Trust is a child sponsorship program like Compassion and World Vision. They help provide for children’s education needs, the school fees, uniforms, etc… Then, on Saturdays they meet and have one hour of tutoring and one hour of bible study with a break in the middle where different teachers and people in the community take turns preparing snacks for the students which is provided by Vision Trust. I agreed to help tutor even though I have no idea what tenth graders know or are learning in English. It’s one more way to be involved in the community and to get to know people. Plus, it’s a Christian organization that is helping to provide for the needs of I believe over 150 students at my school.

most of the rest of the pics are of playing games
This morning was their Christmas party, and so I went and the couple that runs Vision Trust gave me their camera to be the photographer of the day. I have connected with them a little bit, because they are educated Burmese who have studied at international schools and speak English very well. The first time I met them was the day after the wife had a miscarriage. It was an awkward first meeting, but since then we have talked many times and it is always a welcome time to talk in English and to see what God is doing through them.

They had the chaplain from the school come and lead singing, then a teacher from the bible institute gave a message. After that, they split into their classes and played games. It was then time for lunch (in which they had something happen I’ve never seen happen at a Thai event. They ran out of food…) Then I believe they handed out a long sleeve shirt to each student before drawing names for individual special big prizes. Then, they lined up the students and each got a bag of snacks before going home. The students all seemed to have a great time and received presents that are helpful for them as this week the weather has taken a turn and everyone has been bundling up out of necessity, especially this girl.
this was my favorite, lets light candles and give
them to kindergarteners and have them walk to
a teacher and back without letting it go out

I look forward to getting to know this organization and the others in my community better and in helping out with different things over the next two years to show the people God’s love. What a wonderful opportunity I’m being given to get to know the people and to love on them with God’s love. This month has been so busy with all of the field trips, birthday, and Christmas celebrations. On my own I wouldn’t have had the strength to get this far. However, God has provided me the strength I needed to get through each day and show the people His love. PTL

passing a rubber band with straws


trying to pop the other people's balloons

this one they had to wait til the count of 3 and
grab the bottle from between their legs

serving the food

the main prizes were mats to sleep on

and a container bin that's much bigger than the kid who won it

handing out bags of snacks

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