Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A big surprise

The locust they showed me this morning
wait for the results later in the post...
Today my school was closed because they were having the opening ceremony for the new building that has the teacher’s room and the 2 fifth grade classes. They had a ribbon cutting ceremony at the building, and then the 4th-6th grade who were required to attend, and the guests were taken into the meeting hall that is also used for chapel, and they had a church service to dedicate the building. The choir sang and they sounded just like angels. I took a video, so I’ll see if it turned out and try to attach it if you can attach videos on here.

flowers at my school
the front of the building. Notice the second
tier of balloons on the poles, I helped put those on
After the service I ate with the teachers, then hung out with some and got to know them better. One is pregnant due December 27th. I’m so excited, I hope I get to see the baby often when she gets here J We were allowed to come home earlier than normal, around 3 once the students were released. I was working on sorting pictures when the teacher that lives across from me asked me if I wanted to go to the market. Seems how I hadn’t gone to get any real food yet I decided I would go with her. I got pork, a vegetable(I don’t know its name in English, but it’s delicious), sugar, salt, garlic, and some fish. As we were leaving she got a phone call that her son had broken my window. I was thinking that I misunderstood because my windows are all wooden, and I don’t think you can break one of those with a soccer ball. However, when we got home I realized that above my door were 2 glass window panes. Now, there was one glass windowpane, and one shattered all over my floor when I opened my door. What a surprised. So, we left our shoes on and came in and each took a broom and swept the floor twice. I still was finding small pieces of glass even after that L

something went wrong and the curtain ended up in the middle
instead of on the edges...OOPS
As I looked at where the glass shattered I was so thankful I decided to go with her so I wasn’t home when the window broke. The glass shards were all around the table and chair I had been sitting at before we left. I can only imagine the possibilities of what could have happened had I been sitting there when it broke. How great is our God who got me out before I was even in harm’s way?

After getting everything cleaned up, I cooked rice in my rice cooker for the first time, then made a meal with the vegetable and some pork that let’s just say was less than delicious. It was edible, but definitely not delicious. Oh well, my Thai cooking will improve as I do it more often, or at least I hope it will J

here's the video of the choir singing. I haven't listened to it yet, I just put it up, I hope it works :)

the final result of that bug from the beginning :)

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