Friday, November 15, 2013

Preparations for Sports week

soccer the first day
Sports week is next week, I’ve heard from different people that it will last from 3 days to the full week that we won’t be teaching because of it. My other school, we spent the weeks before with most of the classes being cancelled so they could practice. However, I was very impressed by this school’s insistence on making sure students studied all of their assigned periods this week.

the first day they practiced marching around the field
Each morning, after the flag ceremony, they practiced marching during the time that would usually be a homeroom type class. Then, after classes finished at 3 they started doing competitions so that they could get through everything next week. They were doing the preliminaries for soccer, volleyball, handball, and a little bit of chair ball. I was assigned the pink team. I’m sure there are supposed to be 4 or 5 other teachers who are also the pink team, but there were several times this week when I was the only pink teacher around and had to get them ready to march, or lined up. I really had no idea what I was doing, or what was expected of me, but I did my best and luckily, the older students here are trained to help the teachers, so I just had to guide them and let them tell me what I was supposed to do to help them sort of thing.

my first experience watching handball
I took a few pictures of various things we’ve done in preparation this week and thought I’d show them to you. We have the parade and opening ceremony on Monday, and then the rest of the week will be spent playing sports and hopefully I’ll have lots of time to spend with the teachers and students getting to know them better and cheering them on. I think it will be like a busy working week off. I won’t have to teach, but will work on building relationships and getting to know people. After two weeks of teaching and planning day of or the day before, I’m looking forward to being out of the classroom, and having time in the evenings to look over my books and plan units and lessons for the next several weeks. Hopefully I won’t be too tired, and will have the motivation to actually do it.

when the kindergarten ages play soccer, the older kids go
on the field and help coach. It's super cute. Just another part
of the culture that I love.
Please pray for the relationships I can build this week and that I can enjoy the time off of teaching and get lessons and things ready for the weeks to come. So far, I’ve been so blessed and God has given me just enough strength and wisdom to get through each day. I joke that I’m in survival mode, making sure that all of my basic needs are met, and that I fulfill the minimal amount required of me. Anything beyond that is extra at this point. How wonderful it would feel to be caught up, and maybe even ahead.
the boys in this and the next picture are the oldest in the school
they tease me the most, but also are very helpful in class
getting everyone quiet. I can't wait to get to know them all better.
As I finish up my second week here, I just have to thank you for all the prayers that have been sent my way so far. I’m doing and learning so much each day it feels like I’ve been here months rather than just 2 weeks. I never imagined how quickly I would be welcomed into their family here. Just today someone was trying to figure out how long I’ve been here and said 4 weeks. I had to correct them and say it’s only been 2. Even for them it seems like I’ve been here longer than I have. I can’t wait to tell you more about my daily happenings and my friends. However, as part of my survival mode I just don’t have time right now. Those posts too will come in time.

the pink team lining up before the last day of parade practice

the whole school lined up on the field at the end of parade practice

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