Sunday, November 24, 2013

SInging Sensation...

During the last week, a teacher at the school had asked me if I would sing a special with them at church this week. So, after not hearing anything else about it, we practiced last night for the first time. We sang an English song I had never heard before called Two Hands, One heart.

Church today lasted about 2.5 hours from 11 until 1:30. There were 8 different specials sung in 4 different languages, Karen, Thai, Burmese, and English. Only the sermon was translated into Thai, so I didn’t really know what was going on most of the time, plus it was hot and I had a hard time concentrating. However, we sang our song and it was a good opportunity for me to connect with teachers I haven’t really connected with much yet. Here’s the two pictures my neighbor took for me of our performance.

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