Saturday, November 23, 2013

It Snowed in Thailand

building the snowman
This morning as I was cleaning I was going through my fridge and found that he freezer door wouldn’t close because there was frost/ice built up in its way. So, I got out a knife and chipped it away so that the door would close. In the process, I made lots of ice scrapings that were just like snow. Of course, I then had to build a snow man with it. Sure, it’s small, but it was made with love and I used tea for the face and buttons. I really enjoyed my little piece of home and showed my neighbor and some students. They were impressed by my work and played with it until it was left on the plate and melted. Here are some pics for you to enjoy of my Snowman that I made in Thailand. I must say I did convince some of the students that it had snowed at my house the night before and I made the snowman from the snow I collected. It was so funny to see their faces as they believed that it had snowed here.
the finished product once I used tea
for his face and buttons

showing off my new friend and letting him see the
front yard

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