Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Saturday

my student with her papaya
This morning I talked to my family, then went to the school. I had casually talked to a guy about helping teach for Vision Trust on Saturday mornings. Vision Trust is a child sponsorship program that many of my students are in. They are sponsored, and receive funds for their school uniforms and I’m not sure what else. However, I do know that they come every Saturday morning for a Sunday school type thing. They have one hour of tutoring, then an hour of bible school. I like to go and watch and talk to the teachers. I hope at some point to be able to join one of the classes so that I can increase my bible knowledge in Thai. I figure learning at the students level should be about the right level to develop my Thai biblical language skills.

I ended up talking to our chaplain for about an hour, and he was telling me that most of our students study here for kindergarten through sixth grade, and learn about the bible and have a lot of head knowledge. However, they don’t have the faith and understanding to accept Jesus as their lord and savior and to be baptized. He said usually only the ones who grow up in Christian homes end up as Christians, even though they all learn the same at the school. This is something I will have to start praying about and ask that you would do the same as well. That the students would be able to find a faith in Jesus Christ for themselves and that it would be a faith they can build upon over time. Not just head knowledge that is never acted upon once they leave our school.

me with my papaya, so good and so fresh :)
I came home and started cleaning my house. I finally took everything out of my suitcases and put it away. I put the suitcases in my extra bedroom. I then swept the upstairs and as I was finishing up, a girl showed up to help me clean. So, we swept the downstairs and she mopped while I did some cleaning in the kitchen. I think my house is finally ready to take pictures and give you the grand tour. Maybe tomorrow I’ll have time to put that together J

After we finished cleaning, I got a papaya a teacher had given me out of the fridge and we cut it in half, then in quarters and each ate a quarter. It was so good.


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